In other news, me & Johnny bought a new car! And we've decided shortly after the wedding we're packing up and moving across country to Portland, OR. So my photo shoots have taken the back-burner for now as we prepare ourselves for everything heading our way. I'm making my own wedding dress - I found this amazing fishtail skirt pattern. So far it's going well! I've learned how to sew in a zipper & make darts. I'm buying a corset from What Katie Did to go over it; I've decided I'm committing to tight-lacing, which partly why I've been getting into a constant exercise routine (other than I really need to get in shape). I love my heavy red corsets, but the quality sucks if you want to tightlace. I've had to sew the front boning back in three times on one, and once on the other. Anyhow, I've really come to love running, and have been making my runs longer and longer. Although with the summer heat, my dog can only take so much! I've lost a little over 4 lbs already.
My garden is doing well, I have lots of basil, from which I've already made homemade pesto! My jalapenos are doing great, too. There are a few things that look a little weak, especially my cilantro, but nothing has died yet. Next year I will not transplant the cilantro! It went straight to the bolting stage, so I'm just going to harvest all the seeds for then. My tomatoes seeds have grown faster than weeds, and I'm hoping even though I planted them late that they'll bear fruit before first frost or before I pick up and move! One thing I can't understand is why my chamomile has yet to bloom; the leaves look beautiful and fill the center of the garden, but I want flowers for tea!
Our new shop, Alchemy & Lace is getting closer to being open for business. Ashlee just transferred to a new job without a break, so we haven't had a day to just knock out our checklist for final preparations & grand opening. I really don't know what's going to happen when I move; we may end up splitting our shop. It's hard to tell.